3 thoughts on “Holy Crap…The Stupid…It Burns”

  1. Really, Obama couldn’t have picked a better “sheep” to do the ad-hoc interview. It was done in classical media style- find the least educated, backwoods, almost illiterate people in the group, and start asking questions. Viola’!! Instantly discredit the activism of a group of private citizens. Obviously, the irritatingly smug interviewer, does not have a clue about the workings both public and private- of the U.S. Government. Please, please, please….wait until they drop, before you try to speak like you made it past puberty!

  2. Additionally, the CZARS do not act in only an “advisory capacity”! Stupid, stupid child. What would the Drug Czar need a $16 Billion a year budget for? Cab fare to the White House or Capital Hill? Idiot.

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