2 thoughts on “Big…Bang!”

  1. Wow … very nice graphics and creative ideas, although a bit recycled in places. After scratching the surface a little and looking for any real evidence that gets us from “nothing” before the bang to today’s 6B+ people on earth, I find it takes A LOT more FAITH to believe this than the faith it takes to believe the account of creation. Both take faith, neither have been nor can be proved… what are you willing to accept on faith? There are A LOT of missing details that are so frequently glossed over, that most people don’t even stop to think about them anymore, much less question them.
    For even more creative ideas, checkout the latest Scientific American magazine.

  2. I don’t think Mr. Dawkins was being insulting. I think he was just being simplistic. Each of us gravitates to the religion we were raised around. That is what is comfortable, and easy. Humans are addicted to the comfortable and easy. Personally, my relationship with God is my own- I hold no religious affiliation, or deire to “show off my relationship with Him/Her(PC). It is sad that religions in general- are compelled to convert or destroy any belief system that is not their own. Add to that- the almost heretical arrogance of the “religious”- that they can actually quantify God, and know exactly what he wants….ie. killing people who do not believe, killing people who are killing people. Isn’t there some religious iconic ideal or command from God in almost every religious doctrine? Something about -thou shalt not kill, or something to that effect. I might be wrong- but I’m not.

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