3 thoughts on “Because It Says So In The Bible”

  1. hah hah hah , we do put these kind of people in psychiatric centers here in Europe !
    All they say are just sign of disturbed minds, denying the evidence, ignoring the truth for their very own beliefs means serious mental troubles like schizoprenia, or worse :-D
    Bad news is that the quoted survey show 50% of Americans are just mad, is that USA a big psychiatric center ?

  2. People who believe in GOD are Morons? They should be locked up in mental wards?

    I feel sorry for you, both.

  3. People who believe in god are not morons, there is a good reason to think they are crazy, but not morons.

    People however who go to a science museum, see all the facts before them, and then twist and pollute those facts so that they fit some iron clad notion of how the world works are in fact morons. It is even worse that they are taking this plague of idiocy and giving it to children.

    The world doesn’t work that way. You don’t come up with an idea (say “the sun revolves around the earth”) and then crowbar the facts of reality into that idea. You look at the facts of reality and then make conclusions.

    If you feel sorry for me, I can only assume that you asked god to post that comment for you, because clearly you wouldn’t be using computers without science, you wouldn’t have the drugs to cure your illness without science, no car, no electricity, no air planes, hell you would be eating whatever you could find, because even agriculture is mostly science based these days.

    If you don’t like science, and want to live like a cave person, go for it, but don’t go telling me that the people in that video are not morons, they are very definition of moron. I for one embrace science, think it is great (not perfect, but pretty awesome), next time you turn on your computer realize that the “theory” that went into making it is every bit as fact based as the “theory” of evolution, or the “theory” of gravity. You can’t ignore the parts that go against your holy book and embrace the rest. Science isn’t science only when it is useful to you. Just doesn’t work that way.

    I don’t feel sorry for you, I just hope you don’t spread your ideas to anyone else. Because your worldview is old fashioned, dangerous, and not needed anymore.

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