Tag Archives: trump will kill your children

Trump Watch June 1 2017

Day 133:

Fuck Netflix:

As most already know Trump’s Razor is “think of the worst possible thing, then do it.”  His newly appointed head of the FCC Ajit Pai wants to get rid of net neutrality.  Which means that sites that can pay the most, get the best service.  Basically unless you are a huge company, you wont be able to start and run your own website anymore.  So your googles, facebooks, etc will be fine, but you want to start a business?  You want to run a blog?  You want to run for office?  Your website will load slow as fuck and no one will want to go to it unless you pay the bribes to comcast.

And now Netflix, the fun awesome content company that encourages you to sit inside and waste your life away, has told the rest of the internet “I got mine, so fuck all yall!”

While Netflix has been a vocal proponent of the rules in the past, CEO Reed Hastings said it isn’t his company’s fight anymore.

“We’re big enough to get the deals we want,” he said during Recode’s Code Conference on Wednesday.

Netflix once stood alongside internet giants like Google, consumer advocates and Democrats in pushing for harder rules that ensured internet providers treated traffic equally.

One concern over prioritizing traffic was the idea that smaller players wouldn’t be able to compete against larger companies who could afford priority access. That’s no longer the case with Netflix, which is one of the largest drivers of video traffic on the internet.

It’s an issue that would have been more important to “the Netflix of 10 years ago,” he said.


This is a tacit admission that if netflix had been a startup this would have killed them, but now that they are on top they are more than happy to have all the competition strangled in its crib.  Capitalism!  This company only exists because there was a free and open internet when they got started, but now that they are in a position of power they are more than happy to allow the rules to be changed to keep them on top forever.  They climbed to the top of the ladder built with our tax dollars, and once at the top set the damn thing on fire so no one could follow.

This is what an oligarchy looks like, this is how it forms, and this is how it solidifies its power.  Business and government ridding along in the same cart, rolling over anyone who gets in the way.

If you have a subscription to netflix I suggest you cancel it.  Maybe once they are a little guy again they will care about fair play.

Further reading:

Trump Exempts Entire Senior Staff From White House Ethics Rules

Trump administration moves to return Russian compounds in Maryland and New York

Sources: Congress investigating another possible Sessions-Kislyak meeting

Dem: Sessions, Kislyak story may be ‘big time perjury’

Trump White House Plans To Eliminate Birth Control Coverage For Millions Of American Women

Trump Will Roll Back Obamacare Birth Control Mandate For All Employers

Trump has reportedly decided to withdraw from the Paris climate deal

Trump wouldn’t release his tax returns, so lawmakers move to make it mandatory for California’s primary

Trump-Russia: Devin Nunes subpoenaed CIA, FBI, NSA without telling Democrats

Seven subpoenas issued in House Russia probe: report

Trump called Roger Stone after firing Comey

Comey to testify publicly about Trump confrontations

Romney urges Trump to support Paris climate deal (just sink your teeth into that irony burger)

New York mayor: City will uphold Paris climate agreement if Trump doesn’t

Pro-Paris agreement protest planned outside the White House Thursday

Jared Kushner and his partners used a program meant for job-starved areas to build a luxury skyscraper

A driver’s license in D.C. will soon come with a perk: automatic voter registration

More People Support Impeaching President Trump, Poll Finds



Upcoming Action Against Trump:

June 3 – March for truth

June 9 – 11, Peoples Summit 2.0

June 11 – LGBTQA+ March on DC

Tools of change:

Feel like this is all a bunch of bullshit?  Want to do something about it?

Calling your government representative:

Call your Senator
Call your House Rep (Or use this spreadsheet)
Call your Governor
Call your Attorney General
Or try this website
Fax Congress here (free!)

You can also use 5Calls.org if you are having a hard time figuring out what to say.

Tell them in no uncertain terms that you want them to fight to stop Trump from doing these things. Tell them you will be watching them closely on how they vote, and will hold them accountable during the next election if they cave to Trump.  You can also call other states congress people and threaten to donate to their opponent if they don’t do what you want.

Phone Bank for Progressive Candidates:


Call the White House:


Call the “White House”:

Use this  website to call one of Trump’s many properties he has not put into a blind trust yet, and let them know how you feel (be polite, they are workers just like us, but be firm).

Do a little Slacktivism:

Send Some Text Messages for progressive causes (I know it says textforbernie, but its for a range of progressive candidates)  Or you can have your texts turned into faxes by the ResistBot

Go to a town hall and talk to your congress person in person:

Check when the next town hall is here

Monitor your congressperson:

Keep track of how your senator is voting on cabinet picks here, so you can call them up and give them hell if they vote for any of these worthless fuckers.

See how your elected representatives are voting for or against Trump.


Also be sure to keep track if you live in a district with an upcoming flip-able seat (flip to the left that is)

See if you have a special election in your area!

Is your mayor up for election?  Find out, get involved!

Upcoming house votes:


Upcoming senate bills:


Monitor Trumps Conflict of Interests:

From CNN of all people.

The Atlantic

General Guides:

Guidelines by former Congress staffers on how to get Congress to listen. https://www.indivisibleguide.com/

Run For Office!:

Want to run for office in your area to fight back, check this out for positions that are open in your area, how to register, and what you need to do to win office!

Remove the Corporate Democrats!:

Join the fight to clean out the democratic party:  Justice Democrats!

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