Tag Archives: Tea Baggers

Whats This?! Al Franken Turns Tea Party Loons Into Rational People

And all he had to do was talk to them like human beings, of course these are Minnesotans…so by definition they are more polite than other right wing loons in this country. But seriously…is everyone paying attention. If you have issues (tea party people) and you present them in a non-screaming way, and if you have a position (Al Franken) and you present a well thought out policy argument in an easy to understand way PEOPLE LISTEN TO EACH OTHER!!!!

If you show up screaming about Hitler, and death panels, you deserve what you get. If you don’t have a well thought out answer to honest questions from the people you deserve what you get. However this video shows that when both parties come to the table with their A game a wonderful dialog can occur.