Tag Archives: liquid coal

Coal Is Not The Answer: New Video And Website

The coal industry continues to spend tens of millions of dollars pitching the myth of ‘clean coal’ as the only way the U.S. can meet its energy needs.

But we know better than to take what they say at face value. To help combat their misleading claims, we’ve launched our new “Coal is Not the Answer” campaign.

We’ve produced an online video (viewable on the website) that highlights some of the more outrageous claims of the coal industry and cuts through their green-washing spin to lay down the facts on coal.

Our website also details facts to rebut common misconceptions about coal. These facts are divided into five sections:

There are some great comment threads in each section of the site where people are sharing their perspective and personal stories about coal. Here are a few snippets from some of the top rated comments:

From Cathy in Ohio: I worked for a Respiratory Doctor and we would get coal miners in our office for treatment with black lung disease, emphysema.  Poor souls had worked all their lives and basically gave their lives to that miserable coal mine.  Some were too young to die and most of the patients we saw were terminal.  Their families felt helpless because it was the only job they knew and they worked and suffered.  My utility bill with was horribly expensive and they burned coal for our power and we paid dearly.  There’s got to be a better way for all involved.

From Bill in Wyoming:
I live in Wyoming, and we are coal country, and I live and breathe coal, but I do agree with this video, even if it would affect many of my friends and family, and their careers. We have many, many options, so who will take that leap into the future? So instead of mining coal, we can get good jobs building wind turbines, solar panels, and set up incentives for research and development in alternative renewable energy sources. We can do it! We do have a lot of wind here, along with a lot of open-spaces. We do have alternatives, and we need to get them going yesterday!

John in West Virginia:
I grew up with coal in WV.  For people who like to continue breathing, coal is not an answer.  The strip miners are also polluting the hell out of the beautiful state of my birth, making it impossible for people to live anywhere near their mining operations.  Coal is part of the problem, and no part of the solution.

It’s our job to not only increase awareness about the many benefits of clean energy, but also to reveal the truth about these dirty energy sources. To echo many of the comments on the site: we should be investing in clean, renewable energy that fights global warming, powers our future economically and efficiently, and doesn’t harm communities with air and water pollution.

Don’t let coal con you – check out the site, learn the facts and let us know what you really think about coal.