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Ask The Sietch – WordPress Background Image Help

questionmarkDo you have a question you would like to Ask The Sietch? Contact us or post your question in the Forums, and we will do our best to answer it.

I got this fun question from Casey today.

Message: Hi there. I’m new to WordPress, CSS, PHP, etc. but I’ve had some nominal success so far. I have a question for you regarding your Sietch Blog site:

How do you go about tiling a repeating image on the background, as you have on your blog? What code should I put into my stylesheet? I’m working on a theme template called fSpring Widgets.

Any direction you might be able to provide would be terrific!


Lets start from the start. CSS (cascading style sheets) allow you to have one file (or a couple of files) that controls the look and feel of your whole site. One of the main reasons you would use CSS is that it makes changing the look and feel of your whole site very easy. Imagine if you had 1000 pages in your site and you had to go in and change the red title to blue. Not only would this be very boring it would take ages (sorry for going over all that if you already know it, like I said, I like to start at the start).

So I went and downloaded your theme, and found that, your theme uses a wide thin image that is repeated vertically to create the illusion of a long single column, a technique sometimes called “fake columns” or “faux columns”. You need to find and open the .css file for your theme. For your theme it is called, style.css.

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