Category Archives: Wordpress

anything at all having to do with wordpress or wordpress plugins

WP Autoblog Excerpt Functionality

I have been using WP Autoblog to auto generate posts here using the RSS feed from my photoblog. It works pretty well, except for one thing. I use excerpt posts here for my rss feed and I wanted to be able to carry over the excerpts from my photo-blog posts to here.

In this way I would not have to re-type in the excerpt and my feeds would be more interesting. To solve this problem was easy enough simply add

// excerpt
$post['post_excerpt'] = strip_tags(trim($item['description']));

some place in the function wp_autoblog(){ section of wp-autoblog.php

Easy as pie.

Now the excerpts follow the rest of the post over, and they end up in the rss feed just as they should.