2 thoughts on “Awesome Global Warming Skit From UK”

  1. I think the joke was on you and the Globaloney crowd. As one who believes the world may be going into an ice age, I thought it was pretty funny in the way it characterizes the Climate Scaremongers as the anal-retentives they are. Prison for non-believers? It’s doesn’t get more anal than that.

  2. Did you mean Globalooney? LOL

    Whomever the laugh was aimed at, the skit-to me, was funny all the way around. I do believe the earth changes (fossil record backs it up) its climactic conditions to regulate itself (for whatever reason-doesnt always do it to serve the life on its surface). For me, any changes made environmentally, should come to take care of what we have and ensure that the humans (animals, too) on this planet have a habitable place to live in the future. There are finite amounts of resources for all, so we need to be mindful…otherwise, the planet will act accordingly. Extinction does happen.

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