3 thoughts on “Highly Effective Electric Car Ad”

  1. Thats a classic and misguided critique of electric cars.

    Some people feel that even if you use only coal, the fact that electric cars are far more efficient than gas cars that you still get lower emissions from electric cars.

    But lets assume you don’t, its still better to use electric cars, because then you have all the emissions in one spot (the power plant) so its much easier to control them.

    But most places that these are going to be popular (California) doesn’t use all coal, they have a mix of renewable energy and coal. Thus making electric cars massively more efficient, far more so than a gas powered car.

    Plus if you have your own solar panels, or wind turbine you can power it yourself.

    None of these options are available if you have a gas powered car.

    Personally I think people should ride bikes, but people seem to be attached to their cars, so if they must they should drive an electric one.

  2. After petroleum powered cars, Hydrogen Peroxide powered cars would probably be the most practical. The British powered a submarine with H2O2 fifty years ago as I recall. The battery technology is pretty much maxed out and besides there are real environmental hazards associated with just about every kind of battery; hazards that are not to be mistaken for the mental hazards that safe, practical fuels pose to environmentalists.

    P.S. If the ice is melting away, and we don’t know that it is, why should it bother us?

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