Sometime I Forget

That our new president is actually an intelligent man, a man of words. For so long I was used to hearing simple platitudes from Bush, this is a really great speech which addresses the key issue. We are a nation of immigrants. Unless you trace your heritage back to a native peoples, at some point your ancestors came here to find a better life.

We need immigrant labor, it supports our economy, people have a right to come here, and we need a better way for that to happen. Its a complicated issue, but we can’t forget the basics, these are people, we need them, and they have as much right to come here as our ancestors did. There must be some way to work through this issue to come to a useful resolution that helps everyone.

2 thoughts on “Sometime I Forget”

  1. We allow student to go to Stanford and elsewhere get phd’s in engineering and then they need at least a million dollars to start a business to stay in this country. Anyone who gets an advanced degree in this country and wants to start a business should be allowed to with way less money, they may start the next Google assuming appropriate background checks. Immigration reform will probably never happen because to many big corporations are making money from it and they can buy enough votes to kill it like they always do.

  2. Even the “native peoples” are immigrants, by your definition.
    Obama’s speeches sound like they were written by an adolescent and they are always loaded with inaccuracies, falsehoods, and strawmen. How anyone can think him a great intellect and orator is baffling.
    We don’t need immigrant labor. What we need is a dismantling of welfare and other slug promoting federal programs and a return to free markets. If we do need to import labor, there is something called a work visa.

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