A Better Oval Office Speech About The BP Disaster

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I think Maddow did a much better job, her three basic points would have made me feel much better about all of this.

1. “Never again, will any company, anyone, be allowed to drill in a location where they are incapable of dealing with the potential consequences of that drilling.”
2. “I’m announcing a new federal command specifically for containment and cleanup of oil that has already entered the Gulf of Mexico, with a priority on protecting shoreline that can still be saved; shoreline that is vulnerable to oil that has not yet been hit.”
3. “I no longer say that we must get off oil like every president before me has said too. I no longer say that we must get off oil. We will get off oil and here’s how: The United States Senate will pass an energy bill. This year.”

One thought on “A Better Oval Office Speech About The BP Disaster”

  1. What a crock of childish sophitry.
    Did you know that there are more than a million acres in the U.S. that are covered in oil? That’s right. Those acres are called streets and parking lots. They’re made with asphalt and asphalt made is with oil, oil that comes from oil wells.
    I guess that isn’t taught at Harvard and Oxford.
    This site takes ad money from Ford. What are those Fords going to run on if not oil? Hydrogen Peroxide? Maybe someday, but right now it’s oil.
    Naib, Maddow is an idiot and Limbaugh is a genius. You really should get your head right.

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