Supreme Court Opens Door For All Sorts Of Foolishness

Now that corporations have first amendment rights, do they also get the rest of them? Can they bear arms? Do they need citizenship? If they set up shop over seas to escape taxes can they lose citizenship? If there is a draft do they have to sign up? Can they run for elected office? Can they become president? What happens to their stuff when they die? Can they leave stuff to future corporations? Can they get married?

Honestly the fact that we are treating corporations like people is possible the single stupidest thing we have ever done. They are NOT NOT NOT people and don’t freaking deserve the same rights as the rest of us. Ever seen the movie Blade Runner? That’s a pretty good picture of where we are heading if this sort of bull shit continues.

2 thoughts on “Supreme Court Opens Door For All Sorts Of Foolishness”

  1. So…you’re asserting that by exersizing their 1st Amendment right of Free Assembly, the members of a corporation are surrendering their 1st Amendment right of Free Speech.


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