2 thoughts on “Truth To Power”

  1. I’m not sure what a right-wing religious zealot is becuase so many people use the term without saying what they mean. Someone who says he believes in the Bible from cover to cover either doesn’t know what isin it or doesn’t know his own personality.

    Take the boogey Man called Theocracy. The only model of Christian Theocracy comes from the Old Testament period of Israel’s Judges. The tribes said that God was in charge. That meant that they would not recognize supreme authority in any one individual.

    (The idea of a human claiming the Power of God comes from Egypt, and the Roman Emperors took a liking to it as well.

    Even the Pope in Rome did not enjoy ultimate Power over the Euopean Princes.)

    No one in Israel automatically had power by reason of birth. Leaders were expected to obey Law (Divine and Civil were the same). They were not to use their positions to enrich themselves. Their power came with the job.

    Taxes with God in charge in Israel never exceeded 10%. That included for religion and for charity. Period.

    No atheist governments place no limit on their power over their own people. There’s no limit to taxes.

    Atheistic governments tolerate no opposition and killed over 140 million of their own citizens in the 20th century.

    That makes the infamous Spanish Inquision look more like fraternity hazing.

  2. I’m not sure what a right-wing religious zealot is becuase so many people use the term without saying what they mean. Someone who says he believes in the Bible from cover to cover either doesn’t know what is in it or doesn’t know his own personality.

    Take the boogey Man called Theocracy. The only model of Christian Theocracy comes from the Old Testament period of Israel’s Judges. The tribes said that God was in charge. That meant that they would not recognize supreme authority in any one individual.

    (The idea of a human claiming the Power of God comes from Egypt, and the Roman Emperors took a liking to it as well.

    Even the Pope in Rome did not enjoy ultimate Power over the Euopean Princes.)

    No one in Israel automatically had power by reason of birth. Leaders were expected to obey Law (Divine and Civil were the same). They were not to use their positions to enrich themselves. Their power came with the job.

    Taxes with God in charge in Israel never exceeded 10%. That included for religion and for charity. Period.

    No atheist governments place a limit on their power over their own people. There’s no limit to taxes.

    Atheistic governments tolerate no opposition and killed over 140 million of their own citizens in the 20th century.

    That makes the infamous Spanish Inquision look more like fraternity hazing.

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