What In The Hell Is Wrong With Ken Starr, He Is On An Anti-Gay Which Hunt

“Fidelity”: Don’t Divorce… from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.

And Ken Starr is to blame.

Yes, that Ken Starr. The prosecutor who led the campaign to impeach President Bill Clinton has filed a legal brief — on behalf of the “Yes on 8” campaign — that would forcibly divorce the 18,000 same-sex couples married in California last year before the passage of Prop 8.

News broke Tuesday that the California Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on March 5, and will then make a decision within 90 days on the validity of Prop 8 and these 18,000 marriages.

When Starr’s legal brief went public in December, the Courage Campaign immediately launched the “Don’t Divorce…” campaign, asking our members to send us pictures with a simple message for Starr and the Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund.

Those pictures, and the heartfelt messages on them, inspired blogger Paul Delehanty (kid oakland) to send us a suggestion: Would Regina Spektor allow us to put the pictures to the words and music of her hit song “Fidelity”? So, we asked her and she said yes, very enthusiastically.

Regina Spektor’s song, in concert with the pictures, shines a beautiful light on the 18,000 couples that Ken Starr wants to forcibly divorce.

Watch “Fidelity,” the heartbreaking music video, and then tell the Supreme Court not to divorce 18,000 California couples. Tell the Court to invalidate Prop 8, reject Ken Starr’s case, and let loving, committed couples marry. DEADLINE: Valentine’s Day.

Sign the letter to the Supreme Court here. (via)

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with these so called “social conservatives.” I thought they were worried about the institute of marriage going away, it seems to me all they care about is discriminating against gay people. The main reason that divorce is up in this country has nothing at all to do with gay people, mostly because gay people can’t get married in most states. The reason that people are getting divorced is because modern lifestyles are not compatible with the old fashion institute of marriage. If these people were truly interested in preserving marriage as a social contract they should allow it to evolve and change and update to fit modern lifestyles, and yes this means letting gay people get married, among other things.

Seriously if the supreme court of California decided to invalidate all these loving unions in one fell sweep it will be the worst choice they could make in this situation. It will also cause a massive backlash against the anti-gay movement as millions of liberal Californians wake up to the fact that perhaps they should have treated Prop 8 a little more seriously.

I would like to extend an invitation to all the gay people in California, come on out to Massachusetts, we will gladly welcome you into our state, you can get married here. Come on out, we will have a party and welcome you with open arms.