Down To The Wire

Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures

If like me, you are in your mid to late 20’s and of a liberal bent, than this years presidential election is pretty important to you. I have been asking my friends and co-workers how they feel about Tuesday night and here is what some of them have said.

“Tuesday is going to be a long night, expect me to come in late Wednesday…”

“I have been losing sleep over it…”

“Jesus, I can’t take another 4 years of republicans running this country…”

“don’t even ask, I haven’t taken a shit in three days…”

This quick non-scientific poll has told me one thing. The young people of this country are worried. We are worried that the same old tired worn out thinking that has screwed over this planet is going to win again. We suffered through not one but TWO terms of that rampaging demon idiot Bush and in the process watched our future go up in a puff of smoke.

For the love of all things good and right, please please please, don’t let McCain win this election.