Campaign Against Climate Change Refuse To Listen: Recorded Phonecall

After receiving numerous e-mails about their “protest” marches and sending numerous responses (all unanswered) from the Campaign Against Climate Change saying I would like some dialogue about making their work more effective and explaining that symbolic action doesn’t work, I decided to phone them up.

Initially, I thought they would be willing to talk, but the guy in the office wouldn’t let me say anything useful, talking loudly over me every time I said something he didn’t feel comfortable with, then he cut me off. He then cut me off twice more, once after putting me on hold for 5 minutes, so I decided to record the call, which you can listen to here.

The identity of the person at CampaignCC is not revealed, but I know he was listening because when I told him my “jokes” (sorry, they were terrible) and said I was on mute, his typing stopped.

Link below: Enjoy and pass on.

Campaign Against Climate Change brick wall