Dirty Energy Trick Vs. Renewable Energy Treats

Got this in the email today from Greenpeace…

Trick or Treat? It’s hard to tell these days what’s a trick and what’s a treat when it comes to energy. Ideas like “Clean Coal” and nuclear power may sound like solutions to oil and gas dependency, but in reality, these negative energy sources should be avoided at all cost (and they DO cost!).

Don’t let a mask like “clean” coal fool you into thinking coal is safe. Underneath the industry’s costume lurks a dark and scary truth. Coal is a dirty, polluting fossil fuel that contributes nearly 40% to overall global warming emissions, and so-called “Clean Coal” technologies like Carbon Capture and Sequestration are decades away from viability — if they ever prove viable at all, that is. Simply put, there is no such thing as “Clean Coal.”

So what about nuclear power? Well, that’s an even scarier prospect. You can’t see the dangers of nuclear power, but, like an ancient vampire, nuclear waste can last for several centuries. Leaks of this radioactive waste can slowly kill anyone who is exposed to it, while waste storage sites represent dangerous threats to our national security.

More frightening still is the cost of nuclear power: Every dollar spent on nuclear energy would go 7-10 times further if it were invested in efficiency measures and renewable energy. Just comparing the cost of nuclear development vs. the cost of switching to renewable energy sources like wind and solar makes me want to scream. It’s time to drive a stake through the heart of the nuclear industry.

But we need not live in fear of these dark powers. We can choose to step into the light of solar energy and feel the clean breeze of wind power.

TAKE ACTION >> Tell Congress to reward us all with renewable energy NOW.

Renewable energy is a solution that’s already in the bag, and the economic and climate benefits that come with it are oh-so-sweet. The choice between dirty energy tricks and renewable energy treats is in YOUR hands.