Sabotage Is Not An Option, It Is A Necessity

When the signal fails during the advertisement break, who will be screaming: the children in the middle of getting their fix of consumer messages; the shoppers finding out what they can buy on their next mall run; the drivers being tempted by vehicles with more power, more safety and more sexiness; the television sales executives placing advertisers’ messages where they will be absorbed by the maximum number of people; the advertisers creating the adverts that sell product and dreams for their clients; the companies that produce the goods and services that make them money; the system that needs the children, the shoppers, the drivers, the sales executives, the advertisers and the companies to all play their part so that the economic machine can keep on turning?

You can make the system scream, if you want to.

In the latest Earth Blog article I have come as close to breaking the law as I have ever done so, using words alone. In some countries, the article may already be illegal because it explicitly states that the system that controls us must be stopped and that there are ways to do this. In some readings you might also think that the article provides ideas on how to do this…

Adam sits in his apartment in front of 5 kilowatts of broadcasting equipment, watching the channels, flicking and flicking until…”We’ll be right back after this break”…474 MHz on scramble: and the aerial sends out a wave of television liberty, just until the adverts are finished.

It only takes a few hours until the “off” switches are used. The hypnotic dance of the lights across the glass teat that once sold dreams to the masses is now an unintelligible squall of white noise, cascading arcs of interference, static dissonance of interest to no one: least of all the children, the shoppers and the drivers. They look to each other, they talk, they connect: where once there was a room of atomised individuals hooked into their own electronic realities, there are families and friends once more.

Whether this article actually breaks the law is, in fact, a moot point; the laws of a nation exist in order to protect the status quo, so in order to undermine the power of a nation, and the power of the corporations which are unequivocally protected by the same laws, the only option is to carry out illegal acts.

The only way to ensure as many people as possible can live their lives in a sustainable, non-industrial, non-approved way is to take away the things that stop them thinking there is another way. To give the people a chance, we have to sabotage the Tools Of Disconnection.

The choice to do this is entirely yours; but it is worth asking yourself the question: “What do you want to preserve – the sanctity of the law and the continuation of the toxic, terminally destructive system it protects; or our own liberty, and that of the the natural life-support system on which all humans depend for their existence?”

There is no middle ground.

You can read the full article at