Who Won Last Nights Debate?

Well thats a good question, and most likely has a lot to do with how you feel about the different issues. However, it is clear that McCains numbers are slipping, and that the American people are shifting away from his message. It was therefor very important that he not only do good last night, but dominate. Unfortunately for him, Barack Obama not only held his own but whooped on him good in a lot of parts last night. Therefor even a “tie” is a loss for McCain and there are a lot of people saying that Obama in fact won.

If you missed the debate watch it here.

I think the most important points Obama brought up last night (from a “we want a future on this planet” point of view) were his mention of the importance of energy independence, based on renewable energy.

He said several times that renewable energy would get us off foreign oil, help deprive nasty regimes of their funding source, create jobs here in America, and save us from global warming. And you know what, he is right, and that resonated a lot with people.

I also like that he called health care a right, (not a “responsibility” as McCain said), and was forceful in his attacking of terrorists, but open to diplomacy as a first and more important part in the “war on terror” (whatever the fuck that means these days).

Overall I think McCain is flopping around like a fish out of water, while Obama has surrounded himself with smart progressive thinkers, and uses his own good sense to remain calm and collected. Frankly McCain scares me in his erratic behavior and I think Obama is much smarter, calmer, and understand the actual world much better.

It doesn’t take a genius to realize that Bush has ruined this nation, and in a large way the world with his horrible policies, lack of oversight and horrible diplomatic relations with the world (not to mention wiping his ass with the Constitution, and an illegal war). McCain is far too similar to Bush to even be let anywhere near the White House, and god forbid he should die and Palin becomes president (AHHHH!).

The choice is clear this November, Obama all the way.