What The F*$%, John McCain Must Be Drinking The Crazy Juice

Seriously…these answers are impossible to believe!

edit 2: video was annoying cause it autoplayed…you can see it by clicking on the read more below.

“She knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the United States of America.”

My ass she does, I would confidently say that I know more about energy issues in this country than she does, and I am but a humble blogger…amazing.

edit 1: just found this…

Seems Palin was for Obama before she was against him.

Dear McCain campaign its a little thing called VETTING…it means you like take a couple weeks and have a real hard look at the person you are going to pick for the SECOND MOST IMPORTANT JOB IN THE COUNTRY. Perhaps you should have done more than a Google search.

3 thoughts on “What The F*$%, John McCain Must Be Drinking The Crazy Juice”

  1. Yeah, he’s a huge “maverick”. By taking on his own party, he must be thinking about his consistent voting WITH G Dubs.

    This man is such a blatant liar it turns my stomach that he may be president one day.

  2. @ Overt:

    Not only that, by asserting this he is also asserting that he is a spineless coward. He is now taking campaign advice from Rove, engaging in the same tactics that got him punted from the race in 2004. That’s probably what he means by “taking on his party” – attempting to challenge the policies of George W. Bush and Karl Rove while he was running for the 2004 election. Sadly, his own words betray him, as taking someone like Rove into your inner circle, engaging in his politics, *especially* after having been the victim himself only years before, depicts his lack of principles and his obvious desire for political power and gain. Either way you cut it, he loses.

  3. So, McCain is FOR change because he’s attacked the GOP, but Obama is AGAINST change because he attacked the GOP but not his own party?

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