Cape Wind Wins Another Permit

not gonna happen teddy

Another inevitable step towards completion. Cape Wind has been fighting a small group of very rich NIMBYS for over 6 years now! And they have won every step of the way. They have won all the frivolous legal battles, they have won all the permits, and they have won in court of public opinion.

And now they have won yet another permit.

BOSTON – Developers of a proposed energy-producing wind farm off the coast of Cape Cod have been granted a key environmental permit.

The state Department of Environmental Protection has issued a water quality certificate for Cape Wind Associates’ plan to install nearly eight miles of transmission cable in waters off Yarmouth.

If the project moves forward, five additional miles of cable in federal waters would link the wind farm to the electric grid.

The water quality certificate issued in mid-August is one of about 20 permits Cape Wind must secure before the turbines are built.(via)

At this point I don’t see anything stopping this project, but who knows if you have millions of dollars and really value your view over the vision than you might be able to pull some serious strings. The people want this, the economy needs this, and the earth certainly needs this project, lets just hope that good sense and economic reasons win out over a couple of rich idiots.