Juneau, Now in Political Theaters Nationwide

because we can\'t make this shit up.
because we can't make this shit up.

If you are a anti-choice, abstinence only, far right wing conservative, who happens to be running for VP, and your daughter gets preggers when she is 17…you can’t claim that its a personal matter. These are the same people that want to pass laws that decide for the rest of the nation what is taught in school, and what a woman can do with her own body. I say we roast them as the hypocrites that they are. Family values my ass, how about a little science, as in “daughter you do know that sperm and egg combine to make babies right?”

Ohh sorry we only taught you not to have sex, not what would happen if you did. Our bad. Don’t even think about having an abortion, even though you are way to young to take care of this kid, and yes you must marry the guy who got you like this, even if you don’t like him, because we are conservative and doing anything else would ruin our political chances for the White House…oh America wake up

One thought on “Juneau, Now in Political Theaters Nationwide”

  1. Boy!
    Good job! I had to share this with all my friends! Politicians are just the kind of pesty liars we seem not getting rid of!

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