This Just In: Hell Frozen, Pigs Flying, Bush May Propose Global Warming Laws

Seriously What is Bush Thinking

Could this be some sort of sick desperate attempt at redemption (Bush, my friend, no matter what you do at this point its too little to late), or could this be some sort of sick April fools joke, delivered weeks late by the poor stupid minds that run our country?

Who knows, but it has the internet, and I am sure anyone paying attention, scratching its head. Until now Bush’s the corporate whores that pull Bush’s strings have had a mix of “nuht uhh climate change isn’t real” and “co2 is good for you Merica shut up!” That is to say they either ignore the problem, or try and make it seem like it really isn’t a problem at all.

With America leading (or in a close second) as the biggest producer of Co2 in the world, it is just silly to insiste (as Bush does) that India or China be the first to remedy their emissions. Last time I checked it was the USA not India or China that had all the money, guns, and influence.

Now Bush might be proposing a climate change bill? The Washington Times reports today that the president is planning to urge Congress to pass climate-change legislation. You would need a team of MIT engineers and most of the last 20 years of Nobel Prize winning mathematicians to figure out just how many 180’s this would be. From the paper:

President Bush is poised to change course and announce as early as this week that he wants Congress to pass a bill to combat global warming, and will lay out principles for what that should include.
“This is an attempt to move the administration and the party closer to the center on global warming. With these steps, it is hoped that the debate over this is over, and it is time to do something,” said an administration source close to the White House who is familiar with the planning and who said to expect an announcement this week.

If your first reaction was “what the fuck is this shit??” well you are not alone. Just about every single story I could find about this bit of news seemed skeptical (at best).

Even white house spokeswoman, professional Liar Dana Perino was playing fast and loose with the bull shit.

“The embedded regulatory trajectory that we’re on is a train wreck,” Mrs. Perino said. “For those who want reasonable and responsible action, it is worthwhile to have a constructive conversation as we work to keep the developing nations in this process in a way that will work to solve the problem without harming the economy.”

Today at a press briefing, Ms. Perino said the story “did a pretty good job this morning of capturing where we are in terms of the discussions,” adding that the administration has been working through “major economies meetings”–like the one in Paris this week–to lay the groundwork for some sort of climate-change strategy before year’s end. (via)

Forgive me if I take a “put your money where your crappy rumor is” point of view on this. Bush has done more than any other president in history to screw over this country and I refuse to believe that any plan he would come up with would be much more than a hand out for the wealthy coal oil and gas corporations, or worse.

Color me skeptical.

2 thoughts on “This Just In: Hell Frozen, Pigs Flying, Bush May Propose Global Warming Laws”

  1. Yeah for sure. I will believe it when I see it happen. Until then this is a bunch of he said she said “stuff.” I am just way too jaded that he would “change-course” this late in the game. The guy can never ever admit that he could be wrong, so changing the game now would open the door to 8million other questions of ‘Hey could you be wrong on the ?’

    Granted that might be a jump from one to the other since the environment is based on science and research and well Iraq……….ahh who knows what that is based on. So you could say that with the new research things have changed and yes we need to do something to fix the enviroment and global warming before it goes off the edge and yes we need a change of course.

    Although it still comes down to the fact that this country runs on oil and god forbid we piss off the oil companies cause they might charge more of oil……oh wait they already do.

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