Google, Why?


I run ad’s on this site (got to pay the hosting bills), and for the most part Google is really good about picking things to advertise you know solar panels, wind turbines, bio-diesel, things I like.

Why then did they feel the need to run ad’s by John McCain? By the way as far as I know this is only the second time I have ever mentioned his name on this blog.

Since Google uses a “robot read robot choose” method of picking ads I can only assume (based on the very low amount of mentions of his name) that someone from John’s end picked our site to advertise on.

I can only assume that they saw my praise of liberal candidates, (Dennis and Obama) and ran some counter ad’s.

Well sorry John as of a couple minutes ago I blocked your domain from showing ad’s on this site, maybe when you get a lot less crazy, and start having liberal and progressive policies you can come back (I won’t hold my breath).