
education map

incarcerate map

I have no idea, my gut tells me that they are. I am sure it also has a lot to do with the way we treat drug laws in this country, the fact that private industry runs the prisons (and thus lobby for harder sentencing), and the lingering specter of racism in this country.

This upcoming election will be the most important one in two decades, it is absolutely vital that we select a leader that will have the vision and foresight to guide us through these troubling times. Who do you plan on voting for? Why? Do you think that your choice has the right plan? I want to hear from you in the comments.

2 thoughts on “Related?”

  1. Yeah for sure there is a scary relationship between those too graphs. Education is becoming more and more important. And if you do not have it, you are more likely to be left behind or too fall in the cracks. Unfortunately in this society it is very tough to make your way ahead with out a decent education. There are many people out there that have done it. NOT impossible but a lot tougher. There is that glass ceiling that you need to have a education to make your way into the higher ranks of this country, and along with that comes to the benefits.

    Things like having health care for one. If you do not have health care and you have one major illness or need to be hospitalized, you are going to be in a world of financial hurt.

    The thing that scares me even more is what is going to happen in like 40 years when we have a large group of people that will never be able to retire and will not be able to afford health care. Talk about some social problems!

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