Help The Aged : A Hypocritical Prize Draw

Help The Aged Planet

Helping the financial, social and physical wellbeing of older people in the UK is something that Help The Aged do pretty well. Some could accuse them of being a little blinkered in the way they work, but most charities are like that – they choose a campaign and that’s what they focus on.

Strange then that I should receive an e-mail announcing a prize draw:

Win a brand new Nokia mobile phone
Do you have an unwanted mobile phone sitting at home? Recycle your old phone with us during January and February and you can enter a free draw to win a brand new Nokia fashion phone.

Recycle your old phone now

I didn’t know Help The Aged had a recycling campaign on, but it appears they do. Actually the recycling seems to be an afterthought: the reason they are encouraging it is to raise funds, not reduce the amount of toxins going into the waste stream. It would have been nice to mention that, but they then go on to tell you how much more you could help if your donation was bigger.

The real winner for me, though, was the promise of a New Nokia Fashion Phone for the winner of the “recycling” prize. Recycle and then win something new. Is that how it works then? Recycling as a way of clearing things out so you can buy something else. It does seem to be.

Original post by keith