Building The New Climate Movement

Got this off the always great AIDG blog (be sure to drop them some cash money to support their great work). AIDG does amazing work with sustainable business development in countries that need it most. I know I fall all overmyself with how cool they are, but they really are that cool! Subscribe to their rss feed for a constant diet of sustainable goodness!

Bill Mckibben is THE MAN. He has done so much to get the environmental movement to where it is today, and yet gets almost no credit. He is brilliant and you should check him out if you live in the area.

Date: Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008
Time: 8:00pm
Location: Wellesley College, Alumnae Hall
Directions to Wellesley College
College Map
Speaker: Bill McKibben

Few have done more to raise public awareness or inspire action
on climate change than Bill McKibben.

In 1989, McKibben first brought climate change to the public’s attention with
the publication of The End of Nature. He has written on environmental issues
for The New York Times, The Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s, Rolling Stone, and Outside.
Recently, he has launched a campaign, Step It Up, to mobilize citizens to
demand 80% cuts in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Come hear McKibben speak on “Building the New Climate Movement” as part of
Focus the Nation, a national event aimed at encouraging discussion and action on climate change.

Parking is free in the Davis Parking Facility at the college’s Route 135 Entrance.
Alumnae Hall is located adjacent to the parking garage.

All are welcome. The talk is free and open to the public. Contact the Office of Public Affairs for more information: (781) 283-2373

More about Focus the Nation

One thought on “Building The New Climate Movement”

  1. Only problem is, Bill McKibben is only interested in symbolic actions. His entire recent book is about organising marches, “protests”, letter writing circles, petitions – all stuff that governments and companies love because they can pretend they care, while actually changing **** all.

    Now, if Bill McKibben decided to organise a mass blockade of the country’s road network or airports then I would listen to him – but at the moment he is just calling for people to wave banners and feel good about themselves. Maybe he is scared to get in trouble with the law – the law that is designed to protect the economy above all else.

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