6 thoughts on “Sad But True?”

  1. like attracts like :) I don’t think those women just came from composting last night’s leftovers. I know there’s “opposites attract,” but it doesn’t seem to work well when applied to values like sustainability.

    nice comic, where is it from?

  2. I don’t know where it was from, my friend sent it to me in an email.

    I think what she is getting at is that you know people like guys with “big house, big car, lots of money” that sort of thing, which comes with a big carbon footprint.

  3. haha, don’t worry, I knew what she was getting at. I was just saying that those that care about carbon footprints tend to be attracted to people with similar values. Thus, thankfully not everyone is like the above women, and men with an average or even “small” carbon footprint can know they too are in demand. ;)

  4. Yeah, but biking does cause impotence in men.

    To not give the wrong impression: I’m a vegetarian who lives in a small apartment and only uses bikes and trains (I don’t even know how to drive) dating someone who is the same in those respects (except he is a bigger biker).

  5. maybe that will help with the overpopulation problem :)

    Sounds like you and your boy are living a pretty awesome life. Keep up the good work.

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