2 thoughts on “Energy Smackdown Episode 2”

  1. Councils always go on about changing their traffic lights for LEDs and then carry on ripping up the pavements and green spaces for more cars to use. The Medford Climate Action plan equates to only an 11% reduction of GHGs by 2010 compared to 1998 levels – admittedly less than the USA as a whole, but pretty unambitious overall. At this rate that planet is still heading for burnup.

    Sorry, but that’s the harsh reality.

  2. I think your right, in that we need to get moving a lot faster on these things. I have to hope that like a large boulder rolling down a hill, it will start off moving very slowly, but at some point will reach a critical mass of action and take off like greased lighting.

    Got to get that rock moving somehow, if its 11% or 90% reduction. I am just glad that any action is being taken at this point.

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