Fake FEMA News Conference

Really? Dear American people, why do we still put up with this crap?

It used to be that the government went through all sorts of trouble to keep the truth from us. I can’t really explain what is going on here, deception fatigue? Are they so worn out from the endless lies that they have started to get lazy? Whatever the reason it is dirty pool for sure. Hecuva job FEMA, Hecuva job.

Lets all clean house in this next election. Think hard, research, pick a candidate you think will really do a good job (not just for president, but in every election you can participate in). Might I recommend Dennis Kucinich. I know he is a bit short, but I really like a lot of the things he is saying.

We have been following the Mega Fires in the south west. More here, and here.

One thought on “Fake FEMA News Conference”

  1. Mind blowing stuff…

    If you REALLY are interested in cleaning house, Google Ron Paul… this guy is amazing, he’s got integrity, and has an amazing record to back him up.

    Ron Paul, Ron Paul, he’s our man, if he can’t do it, no-one can… heh

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