Using The Force To Teach Kids About The Environment


Thats right, the guy who brought you Luke, Chewy, and Jar Jar Binks (no one is perfect) has been busy trying to spread the gift of education around the planet with his site What is really interesting is that the George Lucas Educational Foundation has launched their “Go Green Database” to improve the environmental awareness in public education. The site includes an online, user-driven database, short-form video documentaries, and the October 2007 issue of Edutopia magazine. Included in the issue and online is a poster that lists environmental awareness project ideas for teachers and students to use in the classroom.

“We want Edutopia to be both informational and inspirational, as well as participatory,” said Edutopia Editor in Chief James Daly. “Our audience is our greatest asset, and through this living database we’re giving them a chance to continually contribute, making this informational resource even stronger and deeper.”

I get emails once in a while from teachers looking for green topics they can bring up in the classroom. This will be a great resource for them. It is so important to educate the young people about the issues facing the planet. An educated population is more likely to recycle, to carpool, to use energy efficient appliances, and all the other good stuff you can do to help keep the earth livable.