Global Warming You Ruin Everything

global warming

It is hard to put all the things global warming is going to mess up into a short list, but the good people over at The Center For American Progress have narrowed it down to just 100.

Here are some highlights.

Say Goodbye to Baseball
The future of the ash tree—from which all baseball bats are made—is in danger of disappearing, thanks to a combination of killer beetles and global warming.

Say Goodbye to Salmon Dinners
Get ready for a lot more chicken dinners: Wild pacific salmon have already vanished from 40 percent of their traditional habitats in the Northwest and the NRDC warns warmer temperatures are going to erase 41 percent of their habitat by 2090.

Say Goodbye to Guacamole
Scientists from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory predict hotter temps will cause a 40 percent drop in California’s avocado production over the next 40 years.

Say Hello to Poison Ivy
You’re gonna need an ocean of calamine lotion. Increased CO2 levels cause poison ivy and other weeds to grow “taller, lusher, and more resilient.”

I warn you the full list is rather depressing, but if you are glutton for that sort of thing check it out. Personally when I read this sort of thing it gives me more resolve to do something to keep all this crap from happening.