AIDG Receives Matching Funds, Needs Help To Expand Work In Haiti

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Peter Haas and the good people over at AIDG (a very cool group, and also a very good blog you should for sure check them out) are having a fundraiser to help expand the good work they do into Haiti.

I recently got this from them.

We have great news! We’re happy to announce that we’ve received 2 matching grant opportunities from donors in our community who want to help us kick start the Haiti expansion.

One couple who cares deeply about Haiti will donate $37,000 if we can raise another $37,000. To help get the ball rolling, another
couple has generously pledged $2,000 if 40 people donate $100 each. Could you be one the 40?

Because of these wonderful offers of support, we’ll be extending the AIDG 300 campaign through the fall. Any gift you make today will be doubled and put to work helping us get our new program started in Haiti. If we all pitch in a little bit, we can get things rolling in Cap Haitien quickly.

I’ll be heading to Haiti in early September to move forward on a sanitation business. Our newest addition to AIDG, Sarah Brownell, is already there conducting assessments and looking for stakeholders and partners. Our progress on the ground really depends on the donations that come in over the next few weeks. You’ve seen what we’ve done these past 2 years with our programs in Guatemala. To build something as strong in Haiti, we need support from our community. We need your help.

If you’ve been thinking of giving to AIDG, but haven t already, please donate today. If you’ve already given, thank you, thank you, thank you. This is a very crucial period. We have a lot of hard, yet
exhilarating work ahead and we really appreciate you taking this journey with us.



Peter C. Haas

I think the work Pete is doing is amazing, and would encourage you to donate couple bucks if you can spare it.