Keith On MTV

Seems Keith has been stirring up trouble over at MTV.

Keith Farnish, a British environmentalist who founded the Earth Blog and wrote a 2006 article called “Why the Public Won’t Change,” said that based on what he’s heard, he does not have high hopes for a huge groundswell of activity following the shows. “I think there’s a very small minority of people it will make a difference to,” he said. “[People] have very short memories. They’re not stupid, [and] the vast majority of the public knows what’s going on, but I’m not sure events like this make a difference.”

It’s possible, Farnish said, that a defining moment could come out of Live Earth. The original Live Aid’s montage of images of starving African children set to the somber strains of the Cars’ “Drive” stuck in viewers’ minds and helped spur the outpouring of monetary support.

“I haven’t seen anything so far that’s likely to have that impact,” he said of the reports he’s read on plans for the shows. “Live Earth doesn’t seem to have an end game, or a target, which I have a problem with. It’s very ethereal: ‘Let’s raise awareness.’ But for what purpose? If the show could be tied to very specific targets for reducing greenhouse gases, that would be great.”

Read the rest of the article here.