Renewable Energy Roundup

renewable energy roundup

Its been two weeks without a roundup. I have shamed myself in the eyes of my ancestors, and I am sorry. I could make excuses about spammer attacking the MySql database, or not being in front of a computer, but they would all fall short. Here then is my humble attempt to roundup some renewable energy news for you.

The governor of Massachusetts has promised to spend 9 million dollars on solar power installations for state buildings.

Not to be outdone by some upstart colony the British plan on spending ONE BILLION pounds on renewable energy for their buildings. Oh snap!

I see your billion and raise you 24 BILLION. The democrats want to throw some serious money (25 billion) behind renewable energy. This matter is still up in the air, be sure to contact your Congress Critter and let them know that you want the renewable dollars spend on actual renewable energy.

Eastern Europe doesn’t want to be left out of the game. They plan on putting up a couple wind turbines

Emerging Energy Research projects a 13-fold growth in Eastern European wind power capacity by 2015, to 7,552 megawatts from 569 megawatts in 2006, with most of the increase in Poland, Turkey, the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Even countries that don’t have a lot of money are looking into renewables. Take Algeria for instance. They want to throw up some pimpin solar arrays and sell the juice back to energy hungry Europe. A good idea for sure.

Seems the good people over at the Biblically inspired “Evan Almighty” (I think it’s about a boat or something) planted a bunch of trees (and other things) to make the movie carbon neutral. Nice.

Nepals burried under trash


This is what happens when you don’t
A: Plan ahead
B: Have common sense
C: Recycle enough
D: All of the above