Why I Don’t Vote for Republicans – In Their Own Words

Here is a quick roundup of why I feel the republicans are not going to get my vote in the next election. I am not saying all republicans are this bad on the issues I care about (environment, liberty, equality, not starting wars, etc) but unless they start running someone else I think it’s safe to say none of these people will be getting my vote.

If you can pay attention through the rambling you will hear that governor James S. Gilmore, III is for “Nuclear power, and other clean forms of energy,” He also said a bunch of crap about cutting taxes, and mentioned something about young men and women and national security, also immigration. A rather horrible answer to a rather straightforward question. Then Tancredo stands up and unleashes the idea of making the green movement into green dollars. I wonder if he is for subsides for renewable energy, how about raising taxes on carbon emitters, maybe he is for banning the production of more coal fired power plants, wind farms, anything. A whole lot of nothing from these two.

Much more after the fold.

Ah what we need in government is another person who has no faith in science. He even managed to get an applause from the audience for his ignorance (twice). Brownback doesn’t even have the conviction of his own beliefs and tries his best to waffle but at the end of the day they both can not be president because they don’t think science is real. McCain, waffles and waffles and waffles, then sort of kind of says he doesn’t maybe believe in evolution, or maybe he would maybe allow the teaching of creationism in school, awesome. There may be some small amount of light at the end of the tunnel that these guys are at least giving lip service to doing something about global warming, but so did Bush and we all know how that turned out. I love how Willard Mitt Romney wants to drill in ANWR and promote new nuclear plants (backed up on the nuclear issue by McCain). Seems they are locked into biofuel and nuclear. Ron Paul seems to have his head out of his ass, but if the big boys have their way he will never even come close to winning.

Nature herself tries and stops these idiots from talking. Unfortunately she fails.

Pardoning Scooter Libby, sure why not.

I can not believe that he said he would use George W. Bush to teach children about honesty and integrity, seriously am I taking crazy pills or is this just the stupidest thing I have ever heard. The rest want to keep Bush as far away as possible. Could this be because Bush has been the worst president in the history of America? (although to be fair Tancredo does have the right idea)

Being gay is now an attitude, and that attitude keeps you from defending America. Shameful. Giuliani wants to tech our army how to turn us into an empire, and Willard flip flops like a fish out of water. Not a one of them took a strong stance on the issue. You don’t have to be straight to shoot straight people.

Feeling like a masochist, want to watch the whole sordid affair, here is parts Good luck.

3 thoughts on “Why I Don’t Vote for Republicans – In Their Own Words”

  1. What can I say…both parties are polarized & bought. You forgot about Ron Paul…The man who stands for liberty. At the early beginning he said he is “Champion of the Constution”. Research the guy before deciding not to vote Republican.

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