Monday Confessional

This weekend was great. I got today off for Patriots Day (for you not from MA I am sorry you should really get yourself this holiday its great). I went to “law prom” with Tess over the weekend, and I am happy to report that law students still know how to get their dance on. And I am working on something new and big that will go live on the site in the next couple of weeks. All in all life is going well.

The next three months for me are going to be super hectic, I have many many irons in the fire, and need to work hard to keep them all burning bright. A couple of weeks ago I set a new schedule for myself, one of getting up every day at 6am, and going to sleep each night before 11pm. This schedule was a bit hard at first, but now that I have adjusted to it I seem to be able to get a lot more done in the day, and get a good nights sleep. I would recommend it to anyone that feels they need more structure in their lives.

I was saddened that Kurt Vonnegut had passed away, he was a very interesting guy and wrote amazing books. I was also very upset by the shootings today at Virginia Tech, my best wishes goes out to all the people and families involved. It is my hope that someday we can live in a world where the community bonds are so strong that disturbed people like the shooter get the help they need before they go crazy and hurt others.