New Event Calendar

events calendar

As some of you may have noticed there is a calendar at the bottom of every page, until today that calendar didn’t do much. It told you which days had posts on them, and gave links to each days posts. Something you could do using the archive drop down, or the newer/older post buttons. So after a little wordpress kung fu, I proudly present The Sietch’s new events calendar (dun dun dada!).

You will see that the calendar now shows upcoming environmental and renewable energy dates. Click on the red days to see the events, or hold your mouse over them for a quick summary.

If you would like to submit your own events to calendar use our contact form. Please include name of event, date and time of event, and contact information (email, phone number, website) along with a brief description of the event.

You can also subscribe to the calendar using icalendar (the little button that looks like an rss feed at the top of the calendar)

To integrate this calendar into your Google calendar read these instructions. For other integration (outlook etc) techniques see here.