Monday Confessional

What a day! All the dark days of winter were worth it for a day like today. Crisp wind filling your senses with the hint of spring, lovely gentle sunshine just peeking up to say hello, and a genital bird song making you smile. AHHHHH yes its one of them days.

Speaking of bird song, I spent my labors today helping out our feathered friends. Specifically the blue bird. Blue birds have it rather sour round these parts. Lack of good habitat due to us, lots of competition from other bird species, and just an over all tuff time. So me and some of my new pals the Cape Cod Bird Club went out and installed blue bird boxes all day. As mentioned above it was a smashingly grand day for such an outing. I have to admit that after my Friday adventure of destroying old raccoon cages with the Cape Wildlife people my muscles were not all that willing to accept the challenge of post hole digging in what was still frozen ground. But I managed. We teamed up with the Harwich Conservation Trust, (where One of The Sietch Members works, go Ben!)to install about 20 bird houses in all.

On top of all that fun, this week is Tess’ birthday (she is getting 8 Giant sized mini-ponies, 8 ducks, 4 sheep and 4 goats)!!!! Combined with all the other fun stuff going on this week, its hard to see how things could get better.

Life truly is a wonderful adventure. I leave you with this kitten (it seems like the right thing to do).

cute little kitten