Use Your Computer More Efficiently With Kyoto Potato

Kyoto potato

A lot of us leave our computers on 24 hours a day. Even with standby mode this could lead to a lot of energy usage while we are not using the machines at all. A much more efficient way to use that computer would be to make sure that while it is on and using energy we use it as efficiently as possible. Enter Kyoto Potato. Kyoto Potato is an application that records the time you are using your computer and the times you have left it switched on and are not using it. Idle time, the time you are not using your computer goes against you and decreases the amount of credits you get for trading.

Sort of a stock market, where the main trading commodity is computer usage time. The interesting idea about this game is the fact that it IS a game. Anytime you can get people to do something they think is fun, while at the same time doing something positive for the world, you have yourself a sure winner. In order to win this game you have to only use your computer when you are actually using it, this will give you the most credits so that you can have the biggest portfolio so that you can dominate the competition. All while reducing your energy usage, and teaching yourself about efficient use of resources.