Super Bowl Going Green

sterling powerSterling Planet today announced a partnership with the National Football League (NFL) Environmental Program and Florida Power & Light (FPL) Sunshine Energy program for business customers to make Super Bowl XLI and the NFL Experience Football Theme Park both 100% renewable energy events. This year’s NFL championship game will be the first Super Bowl to use 100% renewable energy.

Sterling Planet has agreed to supply Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to indirectly offset greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with conventional electricity consumption at the events.

Sterling Planet and the FPL Sunshine Energy program for business customers will provide Florida-generated renewable energy from solar and bioenergy sources in the name of Dolphin Stadium, the NFL and the South Florida Super Bowl XLI Host Committee.

“Sterling Planet is pleased to ‘green up’ the world’s most prestigious sporting event and take renewable energy into the mainstream, into living rooms across the nation and world,” says Mel Jones, Sterling Planet’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “The NFL’s Super Bowl will serve to broaden awareness of renewable energy as a viable, readily available and affordable option for meeting energy needs while safeguarding the environment,” added Jones.

Jack Groh, NFL’s Environmental Program Director, says, “The year 2007 marks our third carbon neutral Super Bowl. We have planted thousands of trees in host cities in the last couple of years, but this is the first time we’ve added renewable energy credits into that mix. The carbon neutral project is just one of several initiatives developed in South Florida to address the environmental impact of our events. Other projects focus on reuse of materials, solid waste management, recovery of prepared food, and donation of thousands of books and pieces of sports equipment to needy children in the host communities.”

Long after Super Bowl XLI, the commitment to clean, renewable energy at Dolphin Stadium will endure. In fact, the event precedes the launch of FPL’s Sunshine Energy program to business customers, who can begin enrollment April 1, 2007. Sunshine Energy will give FPL’s business customers an opportunity to purchase renewable energy on an ongoing basis. Additionally, FPL will earmark proceeds from the program for the creation of new, renewable energy resources within Florida.

“The partnership between the NFL Environmental Program, Sterling Planet and FPL’s Sunshine Energy program will leave a lasting legacy in Florida,” says Vinnie Fugere, Sterling Planet’s client manager for the NFL. “The NFL has taken a leadership role in bringing energy independence and environmental stewardship to the state.”

Adds Mel Jones, “The ‘greenup’ of Super Bowl XLI launches FPL’s Sunshine Energy® program for business customers. Businesses in FPL’s service territory now have the opportunity to choose cleaner energy and make a difference for the environment, for energy independence and security, and for solar development within Florida.”

The renewable energy provided to Dolphins Stadium creates environmental benefits comparable to not driving 467,000 miles in a passenger car or conserving 58 acres of forest preserved from deforestation.