Sweet Notes Of Change Update 3

palestine and isreal mapHi everyone that is following my blog. Today is my last day in Ramallah, hard to believe. It has been an incredible experience meeting all these musicians that come here to teach. Yes, things have been very tense depending on the city and daily circumstances, but life is continuing. Stores and shops still open.

Children go to school. However, they have no where near the security or comfort of freedom that I have had in living in the US. The concerts have been performed in churches, and because of this, I have felt like I have been viewing the many cities here from the eye of a hurricane. Inside the church and on its grounds, I have experienced a calmness wash away my unease at being surrounded by more than one foreign language.


Not knowing Arabic or having time for following the news, only bits and pieces of information passed on to me by others, has kept me from being more uncomfortable during times of overwhelming longing for a sense of familiarity with what surrounds me. This does not in any way imply that I would wish to accept the constant fear and danger that the people here live in.

When I reflect on our visit to Gaza, I am still in disbelief to the war stricken bleakness that we first drove through, in direct contrast to the explosion of life and color that lay within the walls of the Latin Church in the belly of the beast. It will be some time before I think I will be able to really be aware of all that happened there. I shiver at the thought of what walls could possibly replace the fences that lie between America and Mexico; there is a silent anger at the humiliation one feels passing through such a checkpoint as we found at Gaza.

As the group is practicing, I have been able to sit in a pew and listen in awe as I think of my own musical ability, wondering if I could ever achieve even half of what some of the violinists, violists, and cellists posses. This trip has definitely been different than what I had expected I would experience in terms of the work I would do for Kamandjati. I have a new appreciation for full-time performers and their managers after assisting with set up and break down during the baroque performances. It will be nice to be done with moving a 30 year-old harpsichord around narrow side streets and up slick tile stairs. With this, I leave to attend a series of quartet pieces this evening and will next post once home. Peace to all and the best holiday wishes to you and your families !

Editors note: Devon’s adventures are also recorded here.

One thought on “Sweet Notes Of Change Update 3”

  1. It sounds as if you are having a really interesting time. We can’t wait to have you home safe Devon! Keep up the good work, the world needs more people like you.

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