Vietnam The Second?

In a stunningly stupid move Bush has decided that he wants to increase the overall size of the military, and send more troops to Iraq. The Iraq war, already compared heavily to Vietnam, gets more similar by the day. Seriously is no one in the White House able to read a history book. If you have your hand in a blender, and it hurts, you don’t push more fingers in to solve the problem.


I am not the only one that things so.

From here

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., criticized any decision to send more troops to Iraq.

“Instead of changing course for the better, the president’s plan for more troops will make matters worse in Iraq – as many generals agree,” Kennedy said in a statement.

“We need a political solution that brings these warring factions together and makes Iraq take responsibility for their own future. (Former Secretary of State) Colin Powell and General (John) Abizaid agree that more troops will just delay that process. Right now, we are a crutch for the Iraqis and our troops are paying the price,” he said.

from here

Top generals have expressed concern that even temporarily shipping thousands of more troops would be largely ineffective in the absence of bold new political and economic steps, and that it would leave the already stretched Army and Marines Corps even thinner once the surge ended.

They also worry that it feeds a perception that the strife and chaos in Iraq is mainly a military problem; in their view it is largely political, fed by economic distress.

It will take time to train and recruit more soldiers, reports CBS News national security correspondent David Martin. Army chief of staff General Pete Schoomaker estimates the army could increase its current number of 507,000 by at most 7,000 a year. And it will also cost a lot of money – those additional 7,000 soldiers would cost about $840 million a year.

If you are not into “liberals” perhaps Secretary of State Colin Powell, who said the U.S. military was “broken,” on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday is more to your liking.

How many more of our young men and women will have to die to prove Bush right. How many more billions will we have to spend. At this point Bush is acting like a little kid who knows he is wrong, but wont admit it for fear of looking stupid. Well let me be the first to say, Mr President, you already look like an idiot, bring our troops home.