Monday Confessional

Best weekend ever. No, seriously it was great. I saw Tess, I ran my first relay marathon, and got to see a bunch of old friends. The race was really exciting. It was super windy. With the tail wind I felt at parts as if I was a super hero. At the end of my leg of the race was a huge hill, but with my new super wind power action, I shot up that hill like a man on fire. On the other side of that coin when the wind was in your face, I felt like a rather slow power walker. I ran and ran and ran.

Tess was super nice, and I had so much fun with her. She was even nice to me when I didn’t run that well. We didn’t win the relay but we did place 38th out of several hundred teams. So that’s pretty good (we did however get beat by the other house team so that sucked.) Next year we will dominate for sure.

me losing my race to tony

In other news we successfully captured and released a flying squirrel from the home tonight. For months I have been diligently filling every hole I thought a mouse could get into. Unbeknown to me the little bastards were FLYING into the house. It’s a whole different ball game when you are facing death from above. Who knows what kind of mayhem a flying enemy can bring. Here is a visual approximation of what he looked like (during the fray we managed to get video but no stills.)

flying squirrel

It was so funny seeing everyone huddled around the cupboard that we had trapped him in, just waiting for the action to unfold. In the end however he just ran into a recycling bin and was escorted out of the home with not a bit of trouble. I had been setting traps for him, and every morning the traps would be sprung with no food left on them and no dead mouse. It seems our little flying squirrel is a smarty pants.

I am pretty tired right now. We planted over 30 thousand bulbs today for this heritage garden. The place is amazing and we had a great time. Things are going pretty well and I might have a couple of web jobs lined of for some extra cash. I get to see Tess again on Thursday and she is going to come do a service project with the house on Friday. Life couldn’t be better.