Missing…Presumed Worn Out

Well, damn it! I’ve been away from The Seitch for too long (although others may think “Please stay away longer”!), and I haven’t been lazy, honest. Just recharging batteries and looking at the world from a slightly more horizontal and beer-induced vantage point which, although resulting in a less angry state, made me pen (type) a little article, sort of explaining why my holidays / vacations were no more than a few hours away, and not at all by plane.

What else can I say. Well, I notice that lots of these monsters are starting to appear on the streets of Essex:

Huge F-Off Vehicle

Whilst in the States, if what I read is true, Ford are worrying that not enough Explorers are being sold because of the oil prices. $3 a gallon! Well, if I may say so, we had that price decades ago, and now it’s nearer to $9 a gallon here, and morons are still buying these:

Huge F-Off Vehicle

The reason is that they are “business vehicles” which means that 17.5% of the cost can be claimed back as a business expense, allowing Michelle from just-up-the-road to drive her little Wayne the 400 smog-ridden yards to school in air-conditioned, built like a tank, luxury thing, whilst husband Brian who’s got (surprise, surprise) another of these:

Huge F-Off Vehicle

can claim back 17.5% of the cost of ALL the fuel for both vehicles.

So, the polluter doesn’t quite pay all they should, and the poor person who makes an effort to buy one of these:

Tiny, economic car

for the few times they do drive has to sit behind a monster driven by someone who just doesn’t care.

Keith Farnish (back and angry)
And Proud Member Of The Sietch

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