Monday Confessional

Wow its been so busy as of late. My new job is taking a lot of my free time. It will get better soon. Seems as if the blog and the site has taken a bit of a vacation. Not to worry, after the initial training period I should have more time to add a lot of new content that I have laying around.

I have been working 12-15 hour days getting this house ready for its new residents. Painting, scraping, more painting, cleaning, more painting, fixing things, cleaning, you get the idea. At the same time I am trying to learn how to be a house leader as part of a residential non-profit, while trying to figure out how to get my new members not to hate me. Did I mention that I also really miss my girl friend? Its been a lot to deal with.

Lucky for me the weeks seem to be going by fast, and the training will be over soon. And today I scored a free lunch, and Tess is coming to visit on Sept 2nd. So its not THAT bad.