Monday Confessional

It’s been very busy as of late. I have been preparing for my new job, trying to find time to fit all the fun things I want to do in, and trying to spend as much time as possible with Tess.

I am looking forward to the new job, but also really hesitant to start as it means that Tess will be farther from me. I of course want her as close as possible. Guess I will just have to visit her a lot.

Its been very hot and humid as of late, global warming? (nah science is stupid.) I am sure the fact that the ten hottest years on record have been in the last couple years have nothing to do with global warming.

I am also worried about the people in the middle east. They say those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. Well in the middle east I think all of these people need to forget the past. At this point it seems that you can not actually track down who did what first. They all just need to stop killing each other, and get along, or else they are all going to suffer.

Violence does not solve violence.