Mondays Confessional (On Tuesday)

Yesterday I went to the 110th running of the Boston Marathon. My first. It was pretty crazy to see how the whole city goes into “marathon” mode. It was Patriots Day here in Massachusetts. Which mean that no one was at work, and everyone was watching the race, selling something to the people watching the race, or drinking before noon. It was a zoo, at one point we got caught in a “people crusher.” It took us over an hour and over a mile out of our way to cross the street. That street just so happens to have been the race route, but let me tell you you have never wanted to be able to jaywalk so much in your life as when you realize you have to walk a mile out of your way to get 100 feet over there.

boston marathon

boston marathon

boston marathon

boston marathon

I even got into the VIP seating for a bit(don’t ask).

boston marathon

boston marathon

boston marathon

boston marathon

Besides the runners there are so many other things that are going on during race day.

boston marathon

boston marathon

boston marathon

boston marathon

boston marathon

boston marathon

boston marathon

boston marathon

boston marathon

boston marathon

There was also people on the street giving out a new kind of power bar. As we walked up and down the street they gave us SO MANY power bars that I now have enough for lunch all week long and some for the weekend.

A great day.