Monday Confessional

I noticed that I hardly ever post anything personal on these pages. I will attempt to post a little weekly wrap-up each Monday and see how long I can keep it up.

So here is what has been happening to me lately. I have been trying to find another job, my current job has cut my hours back a bit and I need some spending cash. I have been trying to do a little freelance web design/ computer repair/computer teaching work. But alas it has not been going well. Other than my lack of funds, things are going really well.

I have been working on a new project, that will debut sometime in the middle of the march, and I think its going to be really awesome. Just to give you a taste, it will involve ice cream, Goggle maps api, and lots of pictures. I am buzzing with excitement.

My car needs a tune up, I am going to drive it back to Ohio to trade it in to my local “mother” dealership. Meaning that she is going to give me a great deal on a newish Honda for my piece of shit old Pontiac. She is too good to me. She also promised to start reading my blog more, so if you can see this mom, I love ya. Thats about it for things I want to share with the internet right now.

My life is pretty normal, I have been trying to get a new system for the members of the Sietch so they can manage their profiles easier. Might use some sort of PHP based content system like Drupal. Ohh yea one last thing, the cat that I am watching for this lady, had a turd stuck to its ass this morning. Got right up on the bed with me and started head butting me, I awoke to the lovely smell of shit, scant inches from my mouth. Sweet.

Keep it real.